Pharmacogenomics Testing

Leveraging the Power of Genomics to Improve Treatment Outcomes and Enhance Patient Care.

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What is Pharmacogenomic Testing?

Pharmacogenomic testing, also known as pharmacogenetics or PGx testing, is a specialized type of genetic testing that examines how an individual’s genetic makeup influences their response to medications. It involves analyzing specific genes that play a role in drug metabolism, transport, and the body’s biological pathways related to drug effects. The goal of pharmacogenomic testing is to tailor medical treatment to an individual’s unique genetic profile, leading to safer and more effective medication regimens.

View the CDC’s Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling

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We Offer a Portfolio of Off-the-Shelf and Custom Genetic Services for the Following Partners:


Clinical Trial Solutions

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Medical Institutions

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Incite Health Will Help You:


Improve Patient Care and Outcomes


Reduce Overall Costs Through Precision Medicine Applications


Make Better and More Timely Clinical Decisions


This highly complex PGx data is distilled down into easy-to-review and interpretable reports with actionable recommendations for healthcare professionals. These detailed reports incorporate all CPIC guidelines. Here are examples of a Short Report and a Long Report:

John Doe Short Report

View Report
long report

John Doe Long Report

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The Incite Advantage

Incite Health provides:

State-of-the-art pharmacogenomic technology and advanced data analysis capabilities.

Comprehensive and customizable pharmacogenomic testing panels.

Strong collaborations with leading genetic researchers and healthcare institutions.

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